BE ASSERTIVE

Alternatives destroy our focus and faith dies when there is alternative, and there are so many things seeking our focus these days it therefore call for us all to be assertive, firm, unwavering, and uncompromising in our resolve and pursuit. Stand on what you believe, alternatives are there to alter our destiny and make us lose purpose. There is nothing as strong as a made up mind, you can defeat the challenges in your life, if you are assertive! Refuse to be pushed about by every new thing, work what works for you!
In closing this write up, I will declare that you can turn your excuses and liabilities into assets, limitation exist from competition and comparison. Change how you think of yourself by developing the right mindset to bring the right things and right people your way.
After his triumph in November 4, 2008, his moving victory speech in Chicago brought him many supporters and moved many to tears. His victory herald a new age for America, his election inauguration as the first black president of the free world, a feat achievable after all.
Before he had opportunity to join U.S Senate, his assertive, pramantic character stood him out in the Senate and his party, the Democrats, this have him a shot when he gave a moving speech in 2004 and he went ahead to contest for the No 1 seat America. He elected the 44th united state President, can you imagine a black man in a white house? 'Black man in a white house,it tells me that your background, circumstances, place of birth, colour, tribe or language is no barrier to what you can achieve in life!
So stop the pity party, step out against the odds. Yes you can!

Put away the limitations, improve yourself by adding values to yourself and others you meet along the path of your journey. Once again I remind you DISCOVER YOUR POTENTIALS!!!