- Through the problem of barrenness, Abraham became the father of faith.
- Through the problem of being hated, Joseph became the prime minister of Egypt.
- Through the problem of war and battle, David was honored, and married king’s daughter and also ate with the king.
- Through the problem of sin, Jesus became the savior and He was exalted and glorified.
- Through problem, Nelson Mandela became the most respectable and honorable African man in the world.
- Through the problem of communication, telephone was invented.
P---Predictor: It is an indication that something good is about to happen after the problem and in that problem you are going through.
R---Reminder: The problem is to remind you of some valuable things that are yet to happen in your life. It remind you to stay focus and happy. Any time your problem look so serious let it remind you that after rain comes sunshine.
O---Opportunity: You should see problem as a moment you should explore which would eventually lift you high to a greater place. Just take a look at David who took the problem of Goliath’s intimidation by converting it to an opportunity of conquering, to become “a victorious one”. However, problem should be seen as opportunity that is meant to glorify God in your life.
B---Blessings: There is a testimony in the problem you are going through and the testimony will be a blessing in your life. Look beyond adversaries by aiming for God’s blessing that would be received amidst various unfavorable situations.
L---Lessons: Sometimes what you are going through is a platform of being refined to the way God wants you to be. There, teachings of Life are revealed through experience(s). The problems in your life may be full of lessons to learn so that you can help others to develop their lives.
E---Everywhere: As I have at the beginning of this page, the problem is everywhere; It only depends on how you view your own problem. But it should be beard in mind that problem is not limited to only one person, it is ubiquitous, that is everywhere.
M---Message: Your mess is your message. Your problem has message for you to solve your problem. Your problem contains the message that you need to know on how to attain success. So right there in your problem, there is success.
S---Success: The story behind every problem is success. Consider the life of David, Joseph, Jesus, Moses, Abraham and Nelson Mandela that was jailed for about 27 years. What ended their stories was success.
If you do not give up, you will experience success in that problem that seems so pathetic.
Some people are like tea bag, if they are never dropped inside hot water, they will not perform their function well. i.e if some people did not experience some tough times and challenges, their best would not manifest.
I want you to see God in your life, turning your mistake into providence, your failure into success and your infirmities into blessings. In the midst of your condition, develop good attitude about yourself.
If you have positive attitude about what you are going through, you will seldom worry. People worry because they have negative attitude about themselves.